Consumer Psychology and Marketing Communication

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Consumer psychology is an important part of current society. The reasons behind why products are in some areas and not others are determined by consumer psychology. Businesses must decide what to sell. They must also decide how and where to sell their products. Psychological concepts assist businesses in making decisions and discovering the best options available to them. Companies find ways to creatively brand their products to entice consumers to purchase them. People are not always aware they are making decisions to buy a particular product or go to a particular store. Consumer psychology helps businesses make choices to increase profitability.
Consumer Psychology
Professionals attempt to determine the buying habits of people through consumer psychology. One definition is, “the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society” (Cherry, 2014). Understanding the buying habits of society assists businesses in deciding what products to sell and what locations to sell them. A product that is extremely popular in one area may not sell at all in another. Consumer psychology pinpoints what products sell in a specific area and what price those products sell at.
Psychological Concepts
Businesses have discovered, through studying the buying habits of people, diversifying products increases sales. Company A produces only purple glasses. They will have some sales, but not everyone wants purple glasses. Company B produces purple, green, blue, black, white, and yellow glasses. Company B will sell more products because they will appeal to a wider au...

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... people. Studies have indicated people are not always aware of the buying decisions they are making or why. All of these pieces together make up the study of consumer psychology. They explain why some products are found in one area, but not in another.

Works Cited

Chartrand, T., & Fitzsimmons, G. (2011, January). Nonconscious consumer psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(1), 1-3. Retrieved from
Cherry, K. (2014). The psychology of consumer behavior. Retrieved from
Schiffman, L. G. and Kanuk, L, L. (2010). Consumer Behavior (10th ed.) Upper Saddle Rive, NJ: Pearson.
Schmitt, B. (2012, January). The consumer psychology of brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(1), 7-17. Retrieved from

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