Constructing a Worldview

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I consider that conceiving an idea of a worldview is itself an impressive achievement of the human mind. Moreover creating your own is even more impressive. Rome was not built in a day, and neither was my worldview. A worldview takes many years of experiences, and thinking to construct and to differentiate from others. Perhaps, the Christian worldview is centered on the idea of God and the relationship between God and human beings, and indeed it has profoundly influenced the development of Western civilization, to give an idea of how important worldviews are. My worldview, conversely, center of attention is my experiences as a human being. It encompasses from realizing my insignificant place in the universe to coming to understand the value of cooperating with others to shape a world that is better, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.

Like most kids storybooks, all stories began with the famous phrase, “once upon a time…” To me it appears strange to start my story of where I came from with those same words. But since I was little I considered that the mystery of life is one of the greatest stories that have ever existed. As a kid I was fascinated by some wonders as spectacular as looking up to the night sky, filled with its millions of stars, shining dimly through the vastness of space, and the moon, to strike my eyes and form the image of others living in other places, for reasons practically unknown. I am pretty sure I was not alone as most kids feel a beyond description fascination for the Universe, and the longing to continue to stare at and study them is an indication of something far deeper: they are our first homes. Every Ash Wednesday, Catholic priests placed a cross of ash on my foreheads telli...

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...belief in it will have to be revised or altogether discarded.


Finally, I consider that human beings are incredible creatures, whether they are the products of billions of years of evolution or the work of a great Creator. Every person is in charge of their own destiny. Working together, we have accomplished the grandest of material feats, but by the power of our reason, we have come to the realization that what we know is insignificant compared to the vast oceans of possibilities that lie before us. This is our ultimate strength, and it is because of this that I trust not only in myself but also in others. There is good in mankind despite the criticisms of skeptics, if not because this claim is true then because it keeps us healthy and happy. In the words of William Henley,

“I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.” (Henley, 1875)

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