Is The Constitution Outdated Essay

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Democracy- a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives ( The Constitution starts out with the phrase “We the People”, but is the constitution properly representing all the current people in the United States and providing us with a true democracy? The constitution is outdated and does not properly take into account the current typical American lifestyle. Along with being outmoded the Constitution has created an undemocratic legislative process in our country resulting in many unnecessary or unsuccessful legislative decrees. The Constitution was written in 1787 by white men who had a high economic and political status. When they wrote the Constitution they first brought up the main object to protect man 's rights of property (Beard 11). The Constitution did not take into consideration the rights of women or African Americans due to the day and age of women’s suffrage and slavery. The Framer’s when writing the Constitution tried to ensure that they, the rich white men, would stay high in their economic and political status. “Those who assembled were nationalists building a nation, not merely defending the interests of their states” (Watts 30). …show more content…

The US constitution; an old yet a very important piece of our American History, still engrained in our modern society today. But when the framers came together 229 years ago to “form a more perfect union”, did they truly form a democratic republic? A democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Is the constitution today properly representing all the current people in the United States and providing us with a true democracy? The truth is, the constitution of the framers contained several shortcomings that in turn have created many problems for our modern society today making it

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