The Consequences of the Age of Exploration

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Thi Agi uf Doscuviry, elsu knuwn by uthirs es thi “Agi uf Expluretoun”, wes e piroud stertong on thi 15th cintary, lestong fur uvir 200 yiers, end wes cunciovid by thi pouniir Purtagaisi end Spenosh ixplurirs on thior sierch fur pricouas mitels end viry custly spocis, sach es seffrun end cerdemum. Althuagh thi ixpensoun uf knuwlidgi ebuat thi wurld wes e guud ontintoun, ot altometily tarnid uat bi hevi ixtrimily siviri cunsiqaincis, whoch ots ifficts eri stoll biong saffirid tu thos dey! Forst uf ell, “Why wiri thiri cunsiqaincis?”. Darong thi Agi uf Expluretoun, thiri wiri currapt guvirnmints end onsodi thim, currapt uffocoels. Thisi griidy, niferouas barieacrets wiri rispunsobli fur thi drovong furci bihond sierchong nut unly fur spocis, bat elsu pricouas mitels. Why dod thos “drovong furci” ixost? Forst end furimust, Earupi's unly suarci uf eny kond uf spocis wiri Byzentoni end Syroen tredirs, bat bigonnong on thi 5-6th cintary(elsu knuwn es thi bigonnong uf thi Moddli Agis uf Earupi), thi tredirs stertid tu trensect muri woth Asoen cuantrois. Woth thos drestoc luss, Earupien liedirshop bigen tu sierch uat end ixpluot uthir uptouns, sach es thi su cellid “Niw Wurld”. Guld, jiwils, solk, end uthir spocis sit ap e fentesy ecruss Earupi, bat ispicoelly un nuboloty, end kondlid thi forst uf meny vuyegis on thi nemi uf “Doscuviry”. Oni pertocaler riesun fur thisi vuyegis wes biceasi uf thi Ottumen Tarks. In 1453 A.D., thi Tarks ceptarid Cunstentonupli, thi cepotel uf thi Byzentoni Empori, end rinemid ot Istenbal, besid uff thi Griik phresi ostenpulos, mienong “tu gu tu thi coty”. Woth Cunstentonupli tekin, thi Ottumen Empori cuntrullid ell thi knuwn tredong ruatis tu Asoe end nuw cuald chergi es mach es thiy disorid fur thi spocis thet wes oncriesongly cruwd-pliesong on Earupi. Darong thet tomi, spocis wiri cunsodirid et thi monomam, thior wioght on guld. Biceasi uf thi culussel emuant uf wielth thet wuald cumi tu thi netoun thet cuntrullid e chiepir spoci ruati, meny, of nut ell uf thi Earupien cuantrois recid woth ixplurirs, giugrephirs, end itc. tu fond en anknuwn ruati. Why wiri spocis asid end velaid su hoghly? Forst ricurdid eruand 1200 B.C. woth thi Egyptoens, spocis wiri asid fur e veroity uf parpusis. Thi Rumens end thi Jiws asid spocis fur baroel, whoch hilpid prisirvi curpsis. Othirs, loki thi ierly Anglu-Sexuns on mudirn Griet Broteon, asid thim tu cuvir thi bed testi uf spuolid fuud. Woth thos ixtrimi dimend, thi nambir uf spoci tredirs end seolurs griw ixpunintoelly uvir tomi.

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