Connection between Modernism in America and One Frank Lloy Wright

1958 Words4 Pages

This essay is going to establish the connection between Modernism in America and one Frank Lloyd Wright. Discussing how his work within architecture influenced the movement further into the twenty first century, looking closely at some of his well known buildings and those buildings which started off Frank Lloyd Wrights architecture movement throughout America.

American Modernism was based on the modernist movements of architecture and design throughout the 20th century in Europe. The Bauhaus; originating from Germany 1919 is the combination of fine art and craft, and Art Deco movements; characterized geometric shapes and bold colours within architecture and household objects, are amongst other factors that changed design. Some say it is a trend of being able to improve, reshape and create things through scientific technology and knowledge and also experimenting with scientific features. The movement of American Modernism was at its peak between the first world war and the second world war during the 20th century continuing to the 21st century. One designer that was a massive influence to the Modernist movement was Frank Lloyd Wright.

Frank Lloyd Wright; born just after the American Civil war ended (1867-1959) if profoundly known as one of the best 20th Century architects. Frank Lloyd Wright was seen as one of a few designers who embraced the new movement of the Industrial revolution and 'enthusiastically initiated his own architectural revolution’ ( Many people thought that Frank Lloyd Wright was architecture before his time, creating buildings that people could not understand. Not only was Frank Lloyd Wright and Architect, but he was also a philosopher writer and art collector. Frank Lloyd W...

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... (1997). The story of architecture. 1st ed. London: Phaidon Press., (2014). Frank Lloyd Wright: Life and Work. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2014].
Sutton, I. (1999). Western architecture. 1st ed. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Watkin, D. (2000). A history of Western architecture. 1st ed. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications.

Figure 1 –Image- Winslow house -
Figure 2 –Image- Larkin Addministrations building -
Figure 3- Image- The Guggenheim Museum
Figure 4 – Image- Fallingwater -

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