Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church

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Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church In reading this book on Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church I can easily recognize the influence that Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes have on our modern society. God had a plan for his people to merit eternal salvation. There are three key terms to this plan that was frequently stated in the Bible. The first of these is mysterion, which means not the mysterious or unintelligible, but the idea that the eternal plan will encompass its sheer magnitude. “…this grace was given to me … to make everyone see what is the plan of the mysterion hidden for ages is God who created all things; so that through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (Eph. 3:8-11). This eternal plan only becomes a reality in the world if the Church is a sign of its presence. But, it is not the only means and the Church can never be more than a sign. The Church can never be the total embodiment of God’s plan. The second part of the plan is koinonia that translates as fellowship in communion, sharing and participation. Jesus made known to us what was personal to God and we are asked to share this gift with others. God desired to share with the entire human race the divine gift of life in all its fullness. The Church and sharing of life does not complete the eternal plan. God’s perpetual plan is larger than these two previously discussed terms. That leads us to the third part basileia, which means kingdom. Jesus did not come to create a kingdom of this world, but to fulfill His reign within the human heart based on justice and love. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection the eternal plan exists when... ... middle of paper ... Him, “You are my son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased. Jesus could not overcome all the problems in the world. Nor could he overcome the limitations of the human condition. In order to fulfill God’s eternal plan, He had to live within those limitations. Jesus was a key part of the plan—the mysterion. According to the plan, Jesus wanted to share the fullness of life he found within Himself—koinonia. Jesus then wanted to bring about the reign of God within the hearts and minds of all the people—Basileia. Many followed Him and later formed churches so that these three goals could be available to all people through the ages. Modeling ourselves after the actions of Jesus is at the very heart of this plan, leading us to become all we are capable of being. At the end of time, Jesus will have completed his mission and God’s eternal plan will be fulfilled.

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