Conflict Resolution

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Conflict Resolution Many people enjoy working or participating in a group or team, but when a group of people work together chances are that conflicts will occur. Hazleton describes conflict as the discrepancy between what is the perceived reality and what is seen as ideal (2007). “We enter into conflicts reluctantly, cautiously, angrily, nervously, confidently- and emerge from them battered, exhausted, sad, satisfied, triumphant. And still many of us underestimate or overlook the merits of conflict- the opportunity conflict offers every time it occurs” (Schilling, nd.). Conflict does not have to lead to a hostile environment or to broken relationships. Conflict if resolved effectively can lead to a positive experience for everyone involved. First, there must be an understanding of the reasons why conflicts occur. The conflict must be approached with an open mind. Using specific strategies can lead to a successful resolution for all parties involved. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument states “there are five general approaches to dealing with conflict. The five approaches are avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and collaboration. Conflict resolution is situational and no one approach provides the best or right approach for all circumstances” (Thomas, 2000). Why Conflicts Occur Conflict can occur anywhere from the around the water cooler or in the meeting on how the team will reach their goal. Many things a day can lead to a small or large conflict. It is important to remember that conflict is a natural part of life and everyone will experience conflict at some time when participating on a team. Opinions and Beliefs Everyone brings his or her opinions and beliefs to a group setting. Each ... ... middle of paper ... ...ll is choosing and executing the strategy that best fits the situation” (Williams, nd.). References Culbertson,H. (2000). Conflict management strategies and styles. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from Hazleton, M. (2002). Conflict Resolution. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (2005). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. Retrieved November 10, 2007, from Shilling, D.(n.d). Into the fray: Strategies for managing everyday conflict. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from http://Womens Thomas, K.W. (2002). Introduction to conflict management: Improving performance using the TKI. Palo Alto, CA:CPP, Inc. Williams, S. (n.d.). Conflict management-style and strategy. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from

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