A Simple Excursion

743 Words2 Pages


Here's the second chapter of, “A Simple Excursion.” Enjoy. If you have the time, consider leaving constructive feedback as to what I can improve upon.

Something odd happened that night.

“Ugh...what...what is this?” The luxio asked himself, surveying his surroundings. He found himself stood on the bank of a large lake, gazing outwards over an outwardly sea of white, luminescent crystals. It was difficult to see, as the only light here seemed to radiate from the vast puddle that surrounded him. It took a moment to realize, but this wondrous ocean of gems turned out to be nothing more than a reflection of the ceiling...shame. Wait, what?! Sambas hastily switched his gaze upwards and gasped in amazement. Varying sizes of white gems, crystals and jewels were strewn across the ceiling as far as Sambas could see, masquerading as an indoor sky for the entirety of the lake. Returning his view to the water, he reached out and submerged a paw, the reflection shimmered and briefly dispersed. When the ripples subsided, the reflection of the crystals...oddly took a different form, not resembling their previous shape but instead crudely taking the look of a face, somewhat feline in appearance, much to Sambas' surprise.

Sambas quickly withdrew his paw from the lake as an intoxicating, acrid aroma swiftly descended upon him, forcing him to shield his nose. Stepping towards the lake's edge, Sambas splashed a few drops of water on his face. Through watery eyes, he could see the face-like reflection gain further clarity. Rubbing his eyes free of water, he could now make out the more finer details of the visage.

It donned dark blue skin with soft features, gentle brown eyes and a button nose. A tuft of white fur lay atop its head, ado...

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...- that...ah!”

Moving over to Kisara's bag, he pulled out the “illegal” job request and quickly slid it under his bed, however by taking a curious glance upwards Sambas noticed the room's door was slightly ajar, although odd since it's usually locked, he decided to take advantage of the situation. Retrieving the paper from beneath his bed, he crept out of the room, taking care as to not awaken Kisara in the process as he slipped out of the door and into the hallway. As he made his way down the corridor, he took a curious look at the other rooms as he passed them by, noting that they weren't locked either, strange... Dismissing the thought, Sambas refocused on his “task” at hand.

Taking his first right at the end of the corridor brought him to the guild master’s office—his destination. He took a deep breath and gently knocked on the dark, wooden door.


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