Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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Grosskopf 1 The concept of sex education is argued many different ways; however, a conclusion can be reached that abstinence only sex education does not work, and something needs to be changed about the school systems in which that is the only option offered. Most kids do not understand the changes happening in their bodies, and certain urges and sensations that they may be feeling. In addition, they need to be able to differentiate a safe versus unsafe sexual relationship and how to practice safe sex. Most parents of elementary school-aged children are apprehensive to the idea of giving their children sex education because they believe it will encourage their children to be sexually active at a young age; however, sex education throughout …show more content…

They might also have questions that they are afraid to ask. In addition to feeling uncomfortable about the changes occurring in their bodies, they could be feeling certain unexplainable sensations and urges that can be uneasy for them to talk to someone about. Having a proper sex education will allow them to receive knowledge about what all of those feelings mean and how to safely deal with them. A substantial amount of children will go through puberty afraid to talk to someone, and without a sex education they may never find out why certain changes are happening until much later in their lives. It is pertinent that children are aware of why they are going through these changes and that they are not alone. By certain ages, children should be able to recognize, not just their own anatomy, but the anatomy of the opposite sex. There are certain milestones of education that needs to be reaches in order to remain informed. The best way to have a positive sex education experience is to use the approach of gradually immersing them in the topic of …show more content…

Many children who receive an abstinence only sex education are afraid to ask questions because they feel as though they should not talk about the subject. By practicing the hands on approach of sex education, it will allow children to be more comfortable with the subject and won’t feel as foreign, especially when they are surrounded by people who know how to educate children about the subject and know how to make them comfortable. The passive approach may make children feel squeamish and unwilling to talk about the subject. Having adults who are skilled in talking about the concept of sex are pertinent, for

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