What Is Computer Science?

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Computer Science is not just a four-credit class that students can take at St. Mary’s to fulfill their math credit for the core requirements; it is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications (“Computer Science”, 2015). Most think that computer science is just about learning the basics of computers, such as learning to use word processors, navigating the Internet, or how to download certain programs. This is a very common misconception. Computer science is however involved with developing these programs to make the lives of computer uses much easier. Computer science is not just associated strictly with computers either. On a larger scale, it involves the manipulation of ideas and mechanisms to make computation easier for mankind. For example, dating back to 2800 BC, the first abacus was being utilized to make basic arithmetic easier for the common man (Jamieson, 2). Instead of …show more content…

After learning of them in the computer science class, I found it fascinating how the average person consistently misses such a commonly used practice. Everyone uses this idea and yet they have no clue what it is, or that they are even using it. This is partly why I am so interested in Computer Science. I want to be able to create more complex algorithms to use in programs that people use and although they more than likely will have no clue what they are actually using. I use computers on a daily basis as it is, and think it would be extremely fulfilling to create something that people whom also use computers and other similar technology on a daily basis will be able to use either for their convenience or entertainment. Introductory Computer Science will be a preview of whether I want to continue into the Computer Science field or not. I have no idea whether I will like the grind that is programming, or whether I will do well at it. I am taking this class to find

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