Computer Related Devices Have Change Our Lives

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God created us competent enough to learn by simply looking, listening, and experiencing. We are gifted with thought and imagination with undiscovered limits that grow wider and deeper with every idea. These days, we are fortunate that man’s evolving inventions, through this giftedness, transformed our lives and even ourselves. Particularly, the world today is overflowing with such gadgets and tools that help us with our everyday. We have all our cell phones, computers, tablets, laptops that give us access to instant communication and boundless information, such that we seem better informed and more connected. These devices have been enhancing the quality of our lives. They are efficient and time saving which give us space to do more --- we can be conversing through our cell phones, surfing the net, awaiting an email reply while figuring out how to tackle a school assignment. These useful devices also appeal to all ages. Toddlers and kids have tons of learning applications and entertaining games. So it matters much, these days how kids score and best themselves in “candy crush “. Teenagers, like you and me, have access to all kinds of social network. We can meet new friends, arrange dates, even conduct petty quarrels. At a click, we can also get any and all information we need for school. Adults can swiftly communicate with friends – old, new, dear and not-so-dear ones. They can also make creative presentations for their work. Elders can reach out to their loved ones abroad through email, skype or face time. Or they can retrieve then keep their most precious photos and go over them whenever they need and want to. It is clear to us how wonderful and important these devices are. The way they can keep us connected ... ... middle of paper ... ...when we are on the cell phone. We must not let a screen block our sight on what is most important for we will never know what we are missing. We must be present in the world, for doing so makes us wiser, deeper, attuned and more beautiful. We can try to disconnect to connect by not checking our cell phones constantly or rushing to surf the net. As we leave these distractions behind, we can seize life all that we can, without needing to post our whereabouts. We can also live the way God gifted us with our senses: seeing real than virtual, tasting al dente penne than a posted plate of pasta, holding the wrinkled hand of our grandmothers, as they share their bits of wisdom. (My grandmother tells me it is not safe or sane to stay out too late at night). And in their voices, we sense their eagerness and caring. Then, we truly want to get offline to get on life.

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