Comparing Vere's Character

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In Billy Bud there is a large controversy over the personality, and placement of Vere’s character. When reading it, he can be analyzed as a hero or in a completely different context. Many different descriptive words can be used to describe him such as a snob, selfish, or if looking from a different perspective, simply a man who was given a difficult decision. Both essays talk about the subject from a different viewpoint and both make sense. The fact that Vere can be interpreted in so many different ways really makes the reader think and decide which side they’re on. Both Charles A. Reich and Robert. K Martin bring up their opinions on the issue and both show important points and arguments.
Martin wrote the essay titled Is Vere a Hero? In this, he argues about Vere being looked at in the negative perspective. Many people look at Vere as a hero which in his opinion is a huge misunderstanding. Martin sees Vere as a snob and as being unfair in Billy’s court case. He brings up the point that before the court even met for Billy, Vere knew exactly what the outcome would be. He didn’t even bother to hear what Billy had to say or know anything about his intents or motives. This shows a major flaw in his character.
On the other hand, Reich wrote the essay titled The Tragedy of Justice in Billy Bud. He looks at Vere from a different perspective. Unlike Martin, he doesn’t see him in so much of a negative light. He brings up that even though many critics do blame him for the major problem of the book, this blame is misplaced. Although different then real life, in Billy Bud, any offense on board a ship is a capital offense. Reich says that because of this Vere didn’t have an option in what to do with Billy. He does bring up the details of th...

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...nd at some points seemed like he actually cared about him, while on the other hand he made an illegal decision to hold court on the ship and didn’t even bother to look at Billy’s motives for killing Claggart in trial. This is why Vere is so controversial since there really isn’t one clear way of looking at him like some of the other characters in the book. For example, when looking at Claggart you can see the evil in him and truly see he is out to destroy Billy. With Vere, the way he thinks isn’t as clear making him more of a controversial character to readers and critics everywhere.

Works Cited

Martin, Robert. “Is Vere a Hero?” Melville’s Short Novels.
Reich, Charles A. “The Tragedy of Justice in Billy Budd. ED. Howard P. Vincent. 56-66. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. : Prentice Hall Inc. 1971. Print
ED. Dan McCall. 361-365. New York: W.W. Norton: Company. 2002. Print

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