Socrates, Plato, And Aristotle: The Philosophy Of The World Today

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Throughout history there have been many philosophers that have contributed to the way we view the world today. Although each philosopher’s way of thinking was unique, their ideas would usually derive from a previous philosopher. Greek philosophers are especially the most well known by today’s society. Where would we be without the theories of Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle? Although some of their theories may not be correct, they still made us raise questions about the world we live in and come up with answers that we rely on today. Mathematics, physics, and evolution are just a few subjects of the many that we would have little knowledge about without the theories of these ancient Greek philosophers.
The Ionian awakening in the 6th century …show more content…

Unlike Socrates, Plato did have many writing. Because of Socrates influence, he was often the main character in a lot of Plato’s writing. For example, in one of his dialogues called The Republic, he describes the idea of government and creates an ideal state to show Socrates’ principle of specialization. “Plato considers at length the ways in which the lives of the unjust are inferior to those of the just, where these ways include, but are not limited to the frustrations born of their individual patterns of implementation failure” (Bobonich & Destree 94). His ideal society consisted of three classes: producers, auxiliaries, and guardians. Producers were usually craftsman, farmers, and artisans. Auxiliaries were warriors and guardians were rulers. He believed that each of the classes should perform only the duties that fit their societal role because that is the position in which nature had put them. “…More plentiful and better-quality goods are more easily produced if each person does one thing for which he is naturally suited, does it at the right time, and is released from having to do any of the others” (Plato). He thought that if everyone stuck to his or her role and didn’t interfere with another social class, the government would work a lot …show more content…

Stoicism was one of the three, which was founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens. He believed that philosophy was not a person but how a person behaved. Stoics taught that people with morals would not suffer from emotions because they were an error in judgment. It was very important for them to remind themselves of what they could control and what they couldn’t. They knew they could control their own thoughts and beliefs and felt that if they focused their attention to their beliefs and thoughts then they would be more prepared for what the world threw at them. We could all learn something from stoicism. Because it was built in very tough times, it taught people that regardless of what was going on in the world, you could still control you inner feelings and go on with you day. The inner you could be happy even if your surroundings are

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