Comparing Odysseus and Gilgamesh

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Two men and their cities are they really that different? We have read two stories of so call hero and what they go through in their lives. In the following paper I would like to talk to you about Odysseus and Gilgamesh and how we can see them as either the same or different. Odysseus and Gilgamesh were two heroes from two different areas, but both were in search for the meaning of life, and have a story to tell about adventures. Odysseus and his city of Ithaca The Odyssey is a popular read because of the great adventures that Odysseus goes through on his return home. His return home takes him 20 years. Throughout the story we read about many of the triumphs that Odysseus gets through in order to make it home. When reflecting on the story of Odysseus we can see the theme of homecoming is very prevalent. Almost the whole story is based on his homecoming, and the adventures that he endures to get there. The books in The Odysseys are based on the stories of Odysseus. Odysseus in the readings is pretreated as a man that is very smart and can cheat his way out of anything that he gets himself and his men into. I feel like he was always prepared through his many adventures, no matter what was going on he had a plan to make sure the he got through it maybe not his men but he for sure was going to make it thought it all. An example of this would be the Trojan horse. Another example in the reading would be when he is at the cave of the Cyclops, when he tells him his name is “Nobody”. (Brian Wilkie, 2001) (O'Lone, 2014) When reading the stories of Odysseus we can see that there many things that Odysseus cannot related to anyone else. This is because he has experience things that no one else has and it makes it hard for people to believe him. Looking at his aspect he too is alone and has no one to relate to. This makes things hard for him, but at the same time people are drawn to him to listen to his stories. At first it was hard for me to see how Odysseus was a hero other than the facts of him being in war, and all the challenges that he overcame to make it back home.

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