Compare “Out, Out” and Mid-Term Break

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In this essay I am going to compare two poems. “Out, Out” by Robert Frost a rural-American poet and Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney, an Irish poet. Both of these poems are based on child deaths. The title “Out, Out” is part of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. “Out, Out Brief Candle”. This coincides with the storyline of the poem, Child Deaths, because ‘brief candle’ implies that the candle went out nearly straight away. So this coincides with the poem because there is a death of a child, therefore the death is like a ‘brief candle’. “Out, Out” was written by Robert Frost in 1916. It’s a narrative poem and is written in 3rd person. The use of 3rd person makes it feel and seem more realistic because it’s like Robert Frost is telling us, the audience, the story which suggests he could’ve been there when this actually happened. “Out, Out” is about a boy who cuts down trees in Vermont, but one day he got distracted and the chainsaw ‘leaped’ out of his hands and cut off his hand and later died in hospital. But no-one cared for him. ‘And they, since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs’. Robert Frost is telling us the poem as if it’s a story so he’s telling everyone the poem not just a group or one person. The layout of the poem is one big stanza which has different sized lines. You could say there is a pattern because when the poem is turned on its side it looks like the teeth of a chainsaw or the ‘five mountain ranges one behind each other’. The poet has used this structure because he might have wanted to tell the poem as a story instead of telling it as a poem. The poem originates from Vermont a place where there is a lot of lumber jacking and there is beautiful scenery which surrounds the forests. The pace of the poem var... ... middle of paper ... ... I met my father crying’ and are about deaths. ‘Little – Less – Nothing and that ended it’ ‘He had always taken funerals in his stride.’ Also, that both deaths were accidents. ‘The saw ........ seemed to leap out of the boys hands.’ However, there are a few differences like: In “Out, out” the boy doesn’t really get noticed, ‘and since they were not the one dead, they turned to their affairs’ which suggest this, whereas in Mid-Term Break the boy who died has got his family and family friends surrounding him. In “Out, Out” the setting is in the country, ‘Five mountain ranges one behind the other’ whereas Mid-Term Break it is set in a city suburb. “Out, Out” tells us at the time that the accident happened whereas in Mid-Term Break it’s the aftermath. “Out, out” is third person so someone is telling us whereas in Mid-Term Break it is 1st person so it’s as it happening.

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