The Importance Of Poverty On The LGBT Community

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Many times throughout our history, elected and future leaders will fight a war on poverty. Leaders like George W. Bush will run on his campaign trail saying, “The purpose of prosperity is to leave no one out-to leave no one behind”(2). His words were misleading to the public and the nation as a whole. The LGBT community was left out and left behind under his administration. “In fact, after controlling for a number of factors associated with poverty, rates for LGB adults are higher than for heterosexual adults.”(4). If receiving aid to be helped out of poverty, one had to meet a certain criteria, it should have been clearly stated in his speeches. His effectiveness of ending poverty cost the LGBT community their way of life. The LGBT community …show more content…

And multiply it by millions. This crisis of the spirit creates an expanding circle of responsibility. Individuals are responsible to love our neighbors as we want to be loved ourselves.”(2). A powerful message with a darker side if you have a sexual orientation other then heterosexuality, or a gender identity that does not match the outwards appearance. He also goes on to say “parents must understand that being a good mom or dad becomes their highest goal in life.”(2).“Some national studies suggest that as many as 40 percent of the nation’s homeless young people identify as LGBT — with most youth running away from or being kicked out of their homes by parents who have rejected their sexual orientation or gender identity.”(3). Not once did the Bush administration enact a law protecting homeless LGBT youth. Not once did he give a press conference saying this is not right something has to change. No, George W. Bush sat back and watched as struggling LGBT teens suffered without a loving family and an accepting place to call home. “Homelessness and poverty are paramount issues for the LGBT community, made even more challenging by a lack of resources and an historic dearth of care, interest or simple awareness by government and social services agencies.”(3).“Bush 's instinct on gay-rights issues was clear and emphatic: Do not touch them.”(1). There were no special departments or sectors created for LGBT …show more content…

Poverty cares not of race and ethnicity of a person. Poverty does not discriminate based on the age someone is or the education someone has. But unlike poverty, it seems as if help and financial assistance does. Assistance sees the gender and sexual orientation of a human being. Assistance cares for the race and ethnicity of a person. Assistance does discriminate based on the age someone is and the education someone has. Why is the good part of financial matters picky compared to the bad that is accepting of all? There is a problem for all citizens of every nation and country for society to address and solve. The elected leader of this world must change for the benefit of all not just some. The LGBT community has suffered long enough from prosecution and inequality. Poverty is a far to generous friend of every land far and wide. No person should face disadvantages for the gifts God has given them.“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It 's not.”(Doctor

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