Implications Of Communication And Communication

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Communication Innovations

Innovations due to technological advances has become spreading widely throughout our society. We live in a modern world with Internet access from our home, fast food chains, offices, schools and on our mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPods, Blackberries and Android Phones. Nowadays, the use of internet became essential to communicate distantly and the use of social media for interactions. Globalization has totally changed the views of operation in our world. The idea of communication among the people around the world through the use of mobile applications, web applications, social media and the use of internet easily was truly amazing. In using these kinds of systems, it is not just helpful among the people in …show more content…

We are able to collaborate with each other apparently without any hassle on our part. In my own views, communication and collaboration in relation to the emerging technology plays a great role not just in our personal needs but with many organizations as well. Collaborating through the use of internet is faster and more accessible. Online collaboration on the other hand, involves a team working together, often at the same time, and on the same documents and is good for organizations of any size, as long as there is interest in working together over the internet. Online collaboration is not only great for working with your colleagues, but it 's also good when working on documents with businesses because it helps create a sense of teamwork and transparency it can even help improve client …show more content…

Even collaboration plays a great role in support with innovations and technological advances; there are issues and problems arising with it. One of the issues of collaboration is common with students through cheating. One of the experiences I had during my high school days, I had one classmate that he used one of this innovations in cheating. He used this through chatting with his friends while we are having our exams. The professor had to punished him because of what he did and because of this, the most striking changes that take place in my academic life is not to use these communication innovations in illegal activities.
The use of social media could serve a great help to everyone but has disadvantages as well. One of the issues correspond to this is that losing some privacy compared to not being on a social network. Online bullying also could be a problem through the use of social media. This are arise especially between the students nowadays. They use especially twitter account to be at the trending top. They also use YouTube accounts to post videos from other students that cause other students to be a victim of cyber

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