Speaking Skills Essay

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How well a person communicates can affect their life in many ways; it could be the difference between getting a promotion, raise, defending yourself, or keeping a relationship from failing. Teordor Popsecu (2013) assessed from research that presentation skills represent perhaps one of the most important qualities a business person can have nowadays. Communication can make or break the deal (Popescu, 2013). This concept can thus be applied to many aspects in everyday life. Tarigan (1990) states that speaking is a language skill is developed in early childhood, preceded by listening skills, and it is then when speaking skills are learned. He further contends that increasing listening skills helps towards the development of the speaking ability. …show more content…

As a result, the most challenging aspect of teaching is teaching the curriculum in a manner that all students can understand. Universities often require professors to conform to set standard, goals and outcomes, and implies that all students are the same- that they all have similar needs and wants and in fact can reach similar academic ends (Kanpol, 1999). But not all students are the same, their learning styles differ as much as their social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. Feldman (as cited in Akhar, 2011) states that our learning style reflects our preferred manner of acquiring: using and thinking about knowledge. A person comes across different situations in his life. It’s his learning style, which determines how he perceives, organizes and responds to handle the situation (Akhtar, 2011). Teachers have to be able to assess the learning styles quickly in order to adjust their teaching style to produce the greatest learning outcomes. Understanding how a student views the communication in the classroom also critical to learning; communication is intuitive, involving feelings, attitudes, general knowledge and social understanding. The process develops from experiences and our impression of a speaker. This is communicated by dress, manner, posture, …show more content…

Successful class interaction means all of the following: 1.Students express themselves, enabling them to hear each other’s voices and opinions even if it is just saying their name. 2. External input is given by an adult expert on the topic. 3. Dialogue occurs in pairs, or small-group or large-group talk, depending on class size, to reflect and review the input. 4. Students, in pairs, summarize the topic content and record their summary, if possible, in words or drawings. (Freire,

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