Three Types Of International Tariffs

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The most common used trade barrier is the tariff. Merriam-Webster (2015), defines tariff as “a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country.” This is set by the government and the motives behind the tax can be either economic or political in nature. The tax can be based on the quantity of a product, the price/or by the value of the product (ad valorem), or a mix of the two. They increase the price of products for the end user. The tariffs levied against one country causes that country to induce tariffs on the other country. Tariffs make more tariffs. They also deteriorate relationships between trading nations. They can also limit the selections of products available to the end user.
There are three types of international tariffs, most favored nation (MFN), bound tariff (BND), and effectively applied tariffs (AHS). The MFN is when one country trades within their allied group and they treat the beneficiary of the trade the same way that they would treat their most favored ally. The goal is to treat them all the same, that way the concept of fairness within the coalition will help retain cohesiveness. A bound tariff is when a country places a maximum amount or percentage on the tariff of a particular good. It is akin to making a promise about their product never …show more content…

These measures can directly influence the price of goods by complicated or drawn out customs proceedings, valuation of goods, or unreasonable import standards. Quotas are defined in a book by Cateora (2013) as “a specific unit or dollar limit applied to a particular type of good.”(P. 38) The quota may have a tariff attached to it. It depends on the agreement between the countries. Import licenses work in the same capacity in that they limit the amount of imported product for a fixed amount of time/ case-by-case

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