Violent Crime

1987 Words4 Pages

The violence takes place when the criminal uses the intentional power of threat or physical violence against any individual victim, community and minority group. The violent act considered as manslaughters, murder, physical assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery or burglary. In this research essay, I will analysis the causes and its methods to reduce the violent crime through different theoretical perspective. The violent crime refers on the basis of gender, age, community and neighborhood.
According to Males and Brown article, the primary cause for the youth to get involved in crime is poverty and lack of success. The statistics from California Criminal Justice and Census Poverty for 2010 refers that the lift in economic deprivation and the lack of success or jobs indulge the youth or teenagers more into the life of violent offenses. The news and article exacerbate the rate violent crime and over-represented the young age in violent crime. The peak age for crime means that the young people involved more in crime than older people. The Brown article suggests that the age-crime relationship means that the violent crime rise in young age and then decline with the age. The child who gets involved in crime at an early age becomes the chronic offenders. The teens who have less relationship with their parents, labelled as antisocial by parents, teachers, neighbors and society get more involved in crime.
Moreover, the juvenile gets more involved in crime which increase the arrest rate and then the Criminal Justice System also increase the penalty for teenagers. The “prohibitions on teenagers for purchasing or possessing weapons, the liquidation of the adolescent death punishment, and the age-targeted rules result in the hypot...

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