Commentary on the Film: The Godfather

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In 1972, Frank Ford Coppola directed the film, “The Godfather.” It starred Marlon
Brando as Don Vito Corleone, a powerful man in the New York City area. He is powerful because he is the head of his mafia “family”. Don Corleone’s son Michael is played by Al Pacino and at first he is an innocent young man that wants to be nothing like his father. After his father’s death, he changes his mind and takes control of the family and he transitions from a lighthearted college educated student into the man he did not want to become. Ultimately, the new mafia leader is consumed by all the power that comes with his new position.
In the very last scene of the film, Michael is in his father’s office surrounded by the former advisors of Don Vito. Outside the room is Michael’s wife and she is beginning to feel shut off from her husband that she used to know. This is the start of Michael becoming cold and alone. The dominant figures of the scene are Michael and the advisors but the wife is also important because of the feelings that are being expressed. The contrast shows that Michael’s wife is the dominant figure in the scene. She has bright lights shining on her, making her dominate. The subsidiary contrast is Michael but his contrast is shown by shadows and lack of strong direct lighting. Dominant colors are important for the expression of this scene. The color helps make the contrast more effective. The wife is wearing yellowish clothing that can reflect light off, while Michael wears blue and black. The color yellow pushes forward and catches the attention, further making her the dominate figure. Black can mean death or mystery, and that is Michael’s new future. The lighting on Michael is an example of low key lighting. The low light and arr...

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...ot connects the viewer with Kay’s emotion and thoughts.
The wife is towards the bottom of the frame showing her lack of importance and especially her vulnerability. She has no idea what her future entails and its a mystery of what her husband actually does. He is a man of power and perhaps the position of him in the frame, the top, is showing that power and dominance.
The repeating theme in this scene is Kay’s isolation and the separation from Michael as he goes into the mysterious life that he has begun. Michael seems obligated to be the next Godfather and is trapped by all the responsibilities and the burden of being the Godfather. It is a mystery to what goes on behind the closed doors of the Mafia. This scene was Kay peaking into the office when her husband was working. When she was noticed, a man shut the door on her, like shutting her off from Michael.

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