Command Zulu’s Diversity Program

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Command Zulu’s Diversity Program
Command Zulu is a dynamic and diverse organization that consists of employees from many different organizations. The employees of Command Zulu come together to manufacture, repair, and deliver widgets to the United States Navy submarine fleet. Employees are contractors, government civilians, USN Sailors, USMC Marines, and government civilians that are part of a collective bargaining unit (union). The focus of this paper is to explore Command Zulu’s diversity program in regards to the policy, groups, and management. Leadership within the Command Zulu actively supports diversity in the organization that consists of people from many ethnicities, races, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Additionally, the leadership in the organization sets the standards for all employees to follow. The first step in implementing a successful diversity program lies within the organizational policies associated with diversity.
Diversity Policy
Command Zulu’s diversity policy is focuses on equal employment opportunity and prevention of discrimination. The diversity policy is actually, what Cañas and Sondak (2011) explained as policy of compliance with Title VII law. The policy is in transition and resembles what Kirton and Greene (2009) stated as an equal opportunity program that focuses on previous equal opportunity programs given a new title to reveal commitment to diversity. However, Command Zulu’s leadership, managers, and employees do execute the current policy with diversity in mind. The execution of the diversity program covers the employees that Kinvanjui (2013) explained as the demographic composition of the team within the organization. Command Zulu’s diversity policy does not align wit...

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