Causes Of College Readiness

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College Readiness is a problem when students finish high school. This has been a problem for many years and there are many solutions to be tried to fix it. My group discussed the causes, problems, and what solutions can be used to solve the problem over several days in class as well as done our own research to broaden our view of the topic and find a better solution. On the first day of talking about our topic, October 28th, we started the Dewey Problem Solving Sequence. We began to talk about whether each of us felt like we were ready for college or not. I told them that with the way my school’s grading system is, I felt ready for college because tests were a big part of our grade. I know in college to really focus on preparing for the test. Lillian, Sydney, and Accalia did not feel like their schools prepared them for college. Accalia and Lillian felt like schools really “babied” their students and teachers didn’t encourage their students …show more content…

We discussed the causes of not being prepared for college. Lillian said she feels like procrastination on applying for scholarships and loans is a cause as well as high schools not putting more time in showing students how to be prepared. The criteria we want to see is a raise in GPA, better grades, ACT scores, and decrease dropout rates. We all agreed that this would solve the problem in college readiness. On November 2nd, we talked about our solutions as a group. Going off of our criteria, we talked about changing the curriculum to be more like a college atmosphere. I told them that if students had a classroom with classes set up how they are in college, they would feel more comfortable going into college classes. Lillian wants dual and AP credit courses to be encouraged and feel it would help with having less classes to take while in college. Accalia said that when she transferred here, her GenEd classes would not transfer and now has to retake

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