Essay On A Year Off Before Entering College

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In the world, Education is an important key when attempting to apply for a job. Most of them require a college degree or higher. High school students shouldn't take a year off before entering college. When doing so they decide to not continue school, forget the requirements needed to remain in college, and stay in college more years than expected for graduating. In the last year of high school most students are wrapping up the remaining credits needed to graduate. There usually consist of one or two major core classes and the rest are electives or early dismissal. Once the year is finished, all that’s left is to walk across the stage. By taking a year off of school many of the students will have second thoughts about going to college. Many …show more content…

Math and English classes would be harder for them to take in, if they had the break. The math course takes in a lot of hard problem from algebra and pre-calculus. If they were to take the classes that were signed up by their SAT or ACT test it wouldn't help at all. Most students over a long period of time tend to forget about the information given to them when information is not continuously processed. The student would go and forget the covered information and are asked to either take a placement test to make sure they are in the correct placement. If tested approximately all the students would be demoted one math course down. It can cause many students to be in the standard math or high school prepped math. For English, the Idea of having a certain style of essay prepared within a certain period time can cause some people to over think and panic about what they should write. The idea of English is to prep you for writing and taking up date in the real world. However, the thought of having a strong paper to write would be harder if your restart school. Going back in to school to continue the education can hurt the way you write, plan, and prepare an essay or research paper. If you’re writing was up to key in high school than it would not improve if you’re beginning from a college scale. Math and English are the main classes students need to have the most work and effort

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