Is College Is A Waste Of Time And Money?

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In 2013, full-time workers between the ages of 25-34 with a bachelor’s degree, on

average, earned 62 percent more than workers without one (Fast Facts). Despite these statistics,

in her essays Caroline Bird refutes the idea that college can lead to financial gain. For both,

College is a Waste of Time And Money and The Case Against College Bird argues that college is

only for the previously academically inclined student. Furthermore, she goes on to state her

beliefs that students are sad, oppressed and that they are only at college because it has become an

escape from the “real world.” However, the institution of higher learning holds great merit in the

academic and social aspects. A college education is known to contribute to …show more content…

This is quite contradictory to the idea behind going to college. In fact,

most, if not all, students enter college to be of more use to the economy in the future. They spend

their years of study learning various skills and techniques to help them earn a career. A high

school graduate who begins a full-time job at the age of eighteen may be able to offer a minor

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monetary contribution, however a learned individual can have a much greater economic impact.

Although, during their years of study, students are of indirect value to the economy, the schools

and the government are investing in their future. They are not escaping their economic duties.

Students are offered a delay of service so they can be of greater use in the future.

Much of this delay is allowed by a parent or parents supporting their student through their

entire college career. An aspect which Bird seems to despise. She states that most students either

go to college to leech off their parents for at least four years, or their parents force them to attend

school because parents think it is best (Bird 12). Although some students might attend college

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