Undecided Major Case Study

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One of the major dilemma that is face by the college freshmen is to decide a major. In the journal of nacanada stated that, “There are 20 to 50% of students entering in the college with undecided major and 50 to 70% of students change their major at least once after initial enrollment.” Undecided major is defined as the specific area of study that did not determined by the students. Most of the college freshmen do not know in which field they want to study when they are entering to the college and they studies classes which might not require for their graduation. Furthermore, some students who are changing their major after entering into the college after a year or after a graduation; these situations resulting into increase cost of education and delays their graduation. College education system should restrict the students with undecided major to increase rate of early graduation, to reduce cost of education, and to reduce development of undesirable qualities in the students. College education system should restrict the students with undecided major to increase rate …show more content…

Students, who are with undecided major, has a higher risk of attrition. Students with undecided major have a lack of knowledge about their major, their career, and their own interest in a work place, so students develop prolong indecisiveness characteristics; Most of the students develops laziness because they developed mentality about liberal attitude towards their major. Ohio state University conducted 25-year observational study of 19,000 students who were not decided a major. Furthermore, 22%, 31%, and 43% of these students were with completely undecided major, tentatively decided, and various ideas about major were not ready to decide respectively. Because of low aspiration about education in the students, college drop out rate might increase in the

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