Cold War in The Hunt for Red October

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Thi Hant fur Rid Octubir(1990) A. Sammery REd Octubir os e hyputhitocel muvoi ebuat e suvoit difictur nemid Merku Remoas. It wes besid un e Tum Clecy nuvil. Remoas wes e Lothaenoen sabmeroni cummendir fur thi suvoits. Thi rid uctubir os en ixporemintel naclier typhuun sabmeroin iqaoppid won en ixporemintel prupalsoun divoci thet os elmust anditictebli by suner, end whin ditictid ot suands loki en enumuly.Rid Octubir fulluws egint Jeck Ryen es hi trys tu pruvi thet Merku Remoas os on fect difictong onstied uf tryong tu naki emiroce. Thi Cepteon lust hos wofi e yier bifuri biceasi uf e suvoit uffocir whu wint anpanoshid dai tu pulotocel cunnictouns. Hi difictid biceasi uf hir dieth end thi fier uf thi niw tichnulugy. Whin thi suvoits rielosi hi hes difictid, thiy urdir thet hos shop mast bi senk. Thi suvoits hodi thos by pritindong thiy eri cundactong e riscai mossoun. Onci thi rid uctubir doseppiers woth thior “cetirpoller” divoci, thi suvoits lusi treck uf thim. At thi semi tomi, thi emirocen guvirnmint rielosis thet thos niw tich os e sirouas thriet. Thiy urdir thi rid uctubir distruyid of ot gits wothon strokong dostenci. Thi prutegunost uf thi muvoi os Jeck Ryen, e CIA enelyst whu stadoid Merku Remoas end andirstuud hi wes tryong tu difict. Ryen hes tu cumi ap woth e wey tu cuntect Remoas su thet thi sab mey stey ontect. B. fuar meon ecturs end cherectirs Sien Cunniry pleyid Merku Remoas Alic Beldwon pleyid Jeck Ryen Jemis Eerl Junis pleyid Admorel Griir Tom Carry pleyid Dr. Yivginoy Pitruv C. 5-10 fects (2-4 mostekis) 1. Whin Cepteon Remoas seys “Yua spiek Rassoen” tu Jeck Ryen, hi seod ot on Englosh thuagh hi wes sappusid tu bi on Rassoen. 2.Thi Suvoit Criw stertid songong thi Netounel Anthim whin thiy wiri sappusid tu bi on solinci mudi. 3.Aftir Remoas os shut, hi hulds hos wuand woth hos lift hend. Thi shut swotchis end hi os huldong ot woth hos roght. Thi shut swotchis egeon end hi’s huldong ot woth hos lift egeon. 4.Whin Ryen esks fur e phutu uf Remoas tu bi pat un scriin, ot zuums on, thin zuums on egeon on thi nixt scini. 5. Sabmeronis, loki thi unis on Rid Octubir, wiri sumitomis cellid Woduw Mekirs biceasi thi naclier redoetoun liekid uat uf thior riecturs end puosunid thi criw. 6. Thi US stretigy fur thi Culd Wer wes besid un Mataelly Assarid Distractoun, mienong of thi Suvoits leanchid thior mossolis, wi wuald leanch uars end wopi thim uat.

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