Ethics And Ethics Of The AHIMA Code Of Ethics

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In week 5, I will discuss the AHIMA code of ethics and whether it is good or not. I will also discuss the principles and whether they should be changed or not. Employees will be discussed and how some may respect and how may not respect it. Should they be terminated or just simply disciplined for their actions, that is what will be discussed here in this week’s apply paper. My conclusion will be an overall review of what was discussed and the importance. Is this a good code of ethics? Yes, I believe it is. The code of ethics is a set guidelines for companies and organizations to practice and value. Code of Ethics 2011 Ethical Principles (AHIMA, 2011) “Ethical Principles: The following ethical principles are based on the core values of the American Health Information Management Association and apply to all AHIMA members and certificates’. A health information management professional shall:”
1. Advocate, …show more content…

The code of ethics cannot guarantee ethical behavior and it cannot solve every ethical issue (AHIMA, 2016). But it does set values, ethical principles and ethical guidelines, according to AHIMA. This reminds me of an ethics class I took last year and how I had to study it and learn to know it. It becomes your practice to be ethical and you expect your employees to abide by these guidelines as well. I would not change these guideline because it is a standard that all companies’ and organizations’ should live by. Do you think the employees pay attention to it? I think the employees that already live these standards in their own lives pay attention to the code of ethics and what is expected of them. How would you ensure that your employees believed in and adopted your company’s code of ethics? I think if I was a manager, I would be living the code of ethics on a daily basis. Employees watch their managers and how they conduct themselves. If you make a big deal about living the code, then so will your

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