Ethical Responsibility in Business Decision-Making

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Employees of companies must consider their actions before making decisions and remember they have an ethical responsibility to the organization and use high moral standards to influence their decisions. Ethical responsibility is crucial and goes beyond personal values, it takes into account which actions provide the greatest benefit for the greatest number and produces the least amount of harm. Not all decisions are black and white, many fall into gray areas. When individuals make unethical decisions it can damage the name of the organization. In the business world the reputation of an organization is based on its integrity. A company must acquire and maintain customers to survive and grow in today’s competitive global market. Rational …show more content…

The two companies had very different business units. As the former Electro Source employees could be very useful as they already knew the customers, the products, and had other known contacts and would be incredibly useful to Spectro. The acquisition of the employees enabled Spectro to further expand their business and respond to the growing market in major geographic locations. Gaining the new sales staff can be beneficial for the organization, but it can also significantly affect the workforce. During the transition period the new acquired employee’s had disagreements due to different management styles, changed working culture, and conditions of …show more content…

Corporate governance is responsibility is for making companies transparent to investors, contributing to the development of responsible business principles, and promotes good decision-making procedures by which they operate. Compliance is usually a condition of employment and any violations are dealt with severely. Most organizations rely on published documents to articulate the expectations of employees. Ethics are important in every organization. A Code of Ethics help employees understand appropriate behavior and describe the standards of honest and ethical conduct. The guidance material is intended to assist employees to embrace a culture of accountability. Spectro should have required new employees to complete training in ethical behavior within 30 days of new hire and annually thereafter. Having each new employee to attend the required training expresses the values held by the organization regarding integrity, particularly when faced with difficult situations or conflict of interests. Motivating the new employees can help ensure why policies are important and help shift the employee’s

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