The Characteristics Of Climbing A Mountain Like Everest

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Climbing a mountain like Everest can be challenging in many ways and cannot be accomplished alone. Many people are necessary to reach the summit with many different specialties. Climbing a mountain seems like a simple task in theory; but the realities behind such a feat are somewhat surprising. Our team was composed with a wide diversity of individuals with different backgrounds. Each individual has many traits to bring to the table as well as many different goals that each would like to accomplish. Getting photographed on the mountain in sport attire, acquiring photographs of the environment on the mountain, documenting the effects of the mountain’s environment on the human body, becoming the first marathoner to reach the summit, and cleaning up the mountain illustrate the diversity of our desired accomplishment. As a team we discussed our personal goals that were found on the Everest website. Utilizing the mutual enhancement effect was something that we …show more content…

We constantly had to make decisions based from this information, and sometimes we had to leave team members at camp while the rest of the team ascended. At the start of every round, each one of us gave a medical update to the group, and that sole fact highly dictated what our group would do that day. The Environmentalist, suffered many medical problems, therefore, the Physician gave the Gamow Bag and inhaler to her in order for her to not get rescued. These medical issues created a split in our group, not necessarily bad, therefore we were scattered all across the mountain. For example in round four, Jack, Avery, Tom, and Sierra were at Camp 3, however Amanda was all the way down at Camp 1. When our team had to make these decisions, they did not come lightly. Although this was a simulation that we did on the computer, we all truly felt horrible leaving our teammates behind to accomplish our own

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