Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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Climate change is a highly controversial subject amongst the academic community. This is primarily due to the uncertainty of its causation. Some speculators whom call themselves ‘climate skeptics’ believe that humankind is not capable of destroying our planet. However, the United Nations and countless scientists worldwide agree that not only is humanity able to murder the blue planet, but humanity is well on its way to causing irreversible damage to our atmosphere, effecting all life on Earth. This rift in the mindsets between the two sides of the scientific community has enormous connotations, as an incorrect solution to this problem could quite possibly permit global catastrophes to occur. Unfortunately, the climate change theory was not …show more content…

Earthquakes and hurricanes were the exception rather than the rule until humankind’s intervention into natural processes. In the words of Bill McKibben, “we 're now moving into … a world remade by man,” (McKibben) full of pollution in our atmosphere. Since 2010, we have experienced droughts, heatwaves, and fires all across Russia. Additionally, Pakistan, Australia, and Brazil have received mega-floods since 2010 that caused unpreceded amounts of damage. These sort of catastrophes would have never occurred ten thousand years ago, or would have at least occurred with substantially less frequency, when disasters “were, by definition, rare, taking us by surprise—freaks, outliers, traumas that persisted in our collective history precisely because they were so unusual,” (McKibben). Cataclysms such as those which happen in our current era did not happen in the distant past, and this has led many scientists to believe that they are the direct result of human intervention. Many scientists agree that “every bit of carbon we keep out of the atmosphere is that much less ... [of a] disaster waiting to happen,” (McKibben). According to this data, many scientists have concluded that the human footprint is the causation of this exponential increase in global …show more content…

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, boldly agrees that humankind is the sole reason for evidence of increasing ocean levels. The board agrees that “as many as 3,000 other cities worldwide… might soon face severe floods caused by global warming and a rise in sea levels,” (Kiesbye). Many cities worldwide, such as Dhaka, Bangladesh, are especially at risk for fatal flooding. Their data claims that sea levels had risen by 17 centimeters during the nineteen-nineties, an unprecedented growth. Additionally, their predictions paint a shocking picture of sea level elevations between 22 to 34 centimeters before 2080, destroying countless cities worldwide. The evidence points an overarching finger at greenhouse gas emissions, a distinctly human

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