Threats And Solutions To Climate Change

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Carter Marcano Ms. Tindall Eng IV Pd 4 2 May 2016 Climate Change Introduction Our society is riddled with countless problems that are causing discussions and debates around the world. One of the most important problems is crucial to focus on and it is climate change or “the greenhouse effect.” The greenhouse effect is a serious problem that is destroying the planet and its atmosphere. Rules and regulations need to be made if want future generations the have a place to call home. What is climate change? The Earth’s average temperature has risen one and a half degrees over the past 100 years, and the temperature is expected to rise about .5 to 8.6 degrees. The small changes in temperature can cause a devastating effect on the planet 's climate and weather patterns. The predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of CO2 and deforestation. CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes from several sources, but the most problematic are those coming from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants. This releases thousands of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for transportation, which continues to increase because of our …show more content…

Threats of global warming include: rising sea level, lost endangered species, climate change and deadly storm events. We have already seen the causes of global warming. The solutions listed below can bring down the carbon emissions up to much extent We are already seeing the effects of global warming around the world as climate change, melting of glaciers, droughts and diseases. The real problem is the pollution produced from industries, vehicles and power plants. The solutions listed below require tough laws and regulations that require firm deadlines for global warming pollution

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