Essay On Classical And Classical Conditioning

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Classical and operant conditioning are similar in many different ways. They’re both the same by the learning that can be affected by the consistency frequency and time of the admiration. Classical conditioning pairs two stimuli and operant conditioning pairs behavior and the response. They can both phase acquisition and extinction and that may also be reversed by using other conditioning skills. These two conditioning each have their own differences by their different methods they use.
Classical conditioning is a large type of learning that has to do with a major influence on the process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Something to remember about classical conditioning …show more content…

He was able to do everything from speeches to emotional responses with simple patterns of stimulus and response. Watson had actually denied completely the existence of the mind or consciousness. He actually believed that each individual we’re different with their behavior. That was from different learning skills.
When I smelt one of my favorite foods, I immediately feel very hungry and I yell at my parents to see what they’re making and ran into the kitchen. The classical conditioning process for this example is an unconditioned response that will automatically have a response to it. The unconditioned stimulus for this example is when I smell one of my favorite foods. When I smelt one of my favorite foods and I yelled to my parents to see what they were making. That is the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response `for this example is when I smelt one of my favorite foods I immediately felt …show more content…

Skinner took Edward Thorndike’s ideas and put them together to invent the Skinner Box. He had made something that was like an enclosed maze and made the rats learn stimulus response. In trials, Skinner had developed the basic concept of operant conditioning. This type of learning was not the result of stimulus response learning. B.F. Skinner is known as the father of operant conditioning. His work is based on Thorndike’s law on effect. He had studied operant conditioning by conducting different experiments by using animals. Skinner had used the animals for the “Skinner Box” experiment. He had identified three types of responses/operant that act with this behavior. These three types are neutral operant, reinforcers and publishers. (The history of operant conditioning.

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