A Comparison Of The Three Types Of Learning In Psychology

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Knowledge and skills come from experience and study, and therefore a lot of the things we learn are from what we observe. In psychology, learning is divided into 3 different parts, so this essay will elaborate on them. The three are; classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. First, the Classical Condition is characterised by the things that are not learned; that we are born responding to. Also, in the classical conditioning there is the neutral stimulus that causes a sensory response such as being seen, heard, or smelled. The second stimulus is the unconditioned stimulus, which is a stimulant that brings a person to perform a reaction. Also, the conditioned stimulus is when you already know what your reaction will be before the unconditioned stimulus reacts. Then, there is Operant Conditioning, which focuses on trying to increase or decrease a behaviour. Last, there is the Cognitive Learning also called modeling, which involves a mental process in which a person imitates what they see. (Major, Autumn 2016) To begin, the classical Conditioning focuses on trying to create a new stimulus whenever the person hears or sees something. For example, everyone has emotional responses to certain situations which cannot …show more content…

The unconditioned learning is unlearned, the operant conditioning is our voluntary behaviour and modeling (cognitive behaviour) is learned by our attention and memory. I think that the operant conditioning is the best method to learn because it encourages people to maintain a good expected behaviour and it decreases the thoughts of negative behaviour. To learn is a principal of life that can also bring a change in certain behaviours because there is a growth in our level of maturity, and also, since we become conditioned to stimuli, we learn to react certain ways which helps us grow as people and decrease abnormal

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