Black Lives Matter And The All Lives Matter (ALM Movement

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• Two exceptions to class avoidance phenomenon: discussion about the middle class as acceptable and presenting glimpses of the poor and wealthy that conform to common stereotypes. Americans are misinformed to believe the following myths: class distinctions are non-existent, middle-class is the norm, everyone is getting richer, and the chances of success are equal for everyone.
• The U.S. has the highest income gap between the wealthiest and poorest in the industrial world, which is approximately 12 to 1. In 2004, the affluent experienced a wage increase by 12%, whereas the 99% of average income makers saw an increase of 1%.
• The Making of the Ghetto: One of the biggest forms of equity is home ownership, and between 1933 and 1978, the Federal
By being color conscious, we see the strengths in one another and acknowledge the experiences of one another as significant and valuable. This idea of being color blind vs. color conscious is directly related to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the All Lives Matter (ALM) movement. One of the criticisms in this ordeal is that the BLM never put forth the notion that all lives don’t matter. Obviously, all lives matter. But, I think saying all lives matter in response is ignoring the fact that blacks have been disproportionally mistreated, profiled, and arrested more often than
As Tim Wise mentioned, our media outlets have had a record of ignoring anti-white racism, such as with the example of William Campbell supporting the students of Little Rock. To label Kaepernick’s actions as unpatriotic or disrespectful is to ignore the message behind his actions, which is to stand against police brutality and social injustice. I don’t think his goal was to gain mass media attention, but in doing do, Kaepernick has created a discussion about racial inequality. I think the only problem we have with the discussion now as Tim Wise mentions is, “How do we confront the truth, without being overwhelmed about

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