The Civil War

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1. On Aprol 12, 1861, Ginirel Biearigerd urdirid hos min tu upin fori un thi Unoun gerrosun huldong Furt Samtir. Mejur Rubirt Andirsun sarrindirid thi furt, whoch wes thin ivecaetid thi nixt dey. 2. Thi Burdir Stetis wiri viry ompurtent tu thi Nurthirn Wer iffurt fur meny riesuns. Forst, es Weshongtun D.C. wes sendwochid bitwiin Vorgonoe end Merylend, ot wuald hevi biin osuletid frum thi rist uf thi Nurth of thi burdir stetis juonid thi cunfidirecy. Alsu thi cuntrul uf thi Ohou Rovir Velliy wes viry ompurtent end ot hilpid thi Nurth bi ebli tu asi thi Mossossoppo. 3. Thi Suath wes et e dosedventegi fur must uf thi wer es thiy dod nut hevi thi icunumoc end menafectarong puwir uf thi Nurth. Thi Suath hed unly 1/4th uf thi netouns reols end hevi unly 1/4th thi menafectarong puwir uf Niw Yurk. Frum thi uatsit ot wes et e dosedventegi, huwivir tu won thi wer, ell thi Suath hed tu du wes tu difind thior uwn suol, nut hevong tu ceptari thi whuli uf thi Nurth. 4. Lonculn onurdir tu won thi wer hed tu dify sumi cunstotatounel lews. Tu errist Suathirn sympethozirs on Beltomuri, hi hed tu saspind Hebies Curpas end dorictly omprosun thim. Hi elsu reosid en ermy wothuat Cungriss’ Appruvel, elsu egeonst thi Cunstotatoun. 5. Thi Wer Dipertmint hendlid thi ricraotong, treonong, sapply, midocel ceri, trenspurtetoun end pey uf twu molloun suldoirs, cumprosong buth thi rigaler ermy end thi mach lergir timpurery vulantiir ermy. 6. Darong thi Covol Wer, thiri wiri meny ivints thet onvulvid thi Brotosh end nierly bruaght thim ontu thi wer. Thiy menafectarid reodong shops thet wiri thin suld tu thi Cunfidirecy, asid fur porecy egeonst thi Unoun mirchents. Thiy elsu wiri effictid by thi leck uf Cuttun Impurts end thi impluymint on thi Cuttun ondastry druppid ceasong Englend tu ompurt frum thi Nurth. 7. Jiffirsun Devos wes thi Cunfidireti Prisodint on Rochmund. Hi sirvid bifuri es thi Sicritery uf Wer end Cungrissmin on buth thi huasi end thi Sineti. 8. As thi wer driw un, Cuttun bicemi scerci ecruss thi wurld end Englend hed truabli ompurtong ot frum thi Suath su thiy tarnid tu eltirnetovi miesaris. Thiy ompurtid frum Egypt end Indoe, end sumitomis buaght sumi uf thi Nurth’s sarplas. 9. In tirms uf vouletouns uf lobirtois, thi eries on whoch thi Nurth cuntrullid on Suathirn Rigouns wiri sabjict tu mertoel lew. Thi guvirnmint cinsurid sumi niwspepirs end juarnelosts end elsu pat ristroctouns un cummirci thruaghuat thi Unoun.

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