Citibank in Indonesia

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Citibank became the public spotlight, related to two big cases they involved. First, the embezzlement of customer funds by their former manager, Inong Malinda Dee. The second case is the death of Irzen Octa, the Citibank credit card customer, who was killed while taking care of the stalled credit at Social Security Branch of Citibank Tower, Jakarta. The death of Irzen Octa involved the debt collector services company as third party, which is use to collect the bad debts from customers. This debt collector practices done by almost bank that issuing credit cards.

Bank Indonesia has firmly stated that Citibank has done violations of criminal conduct banking. Private banking practices that Citibank did, it also done by 22 other banks in Indonesia. The latest case is about embezzlement of Elnusa deposits worth Rp 111 billion in Mega Bank. Bank Indonesia already had frozen private banking practices at 23 banks, including Citibank.

Private banking service and the explosion of credit card problems are just some effects of competition. As a result, banks began to ignore the principle of banking. The cases that occurred recently indicate there is something wrong in the banking practice, both procedures and human resources .At present, Bank Indonesia is doing further tests to evaluate the bank's internal controls related to the practice of using debt collectors to collect bad debts from customers.

Bank Indonesia has set strict billing regulation in Circular Letter No. 11/10 in 2009, where services can be done if the billing credit card arrears have been classified as doubtful or loss category. In addition, Damien, as spokesperson of Bank Indonesia said the debt collector may not use the practice of violence. If violence is done by a third party, the responsibility is on the credit card issuer. Therefore, the central bank must decide the sanctions for Citibank carefully and fairly. Wrong decision could undermine public confidence in the banking sector. More important, that sanctions must also encourage improvements in systems and procedures of all banks in Indonesia.

Bank Indonesia has given 3 sanctions for Citibank, and these sanctions are possible to grow over time during the investigation. First, Bank Indonesia has been prohibited Citibank to process new credit card applications for 2 years. Moreover, Citibank also prohibited using debt collector’s service for 2 years. The last is Bank Indonesia freeze new Citigold service applications, priority banking, for one years.

Furthermore, there are some issues that must be faced by all banks that operate in Indonesia.

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