Chronic Pain Management in Preoperative Patient Care

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Chronic Pain in the preoperative population Patient-Centered Care Patricia Davies Capella University Orientation to Graduate Nursing Study MSN6000 Nancyruth Leibold October 31, 2015 CHRONIC PAIN IN THE PREOPERATIVE PATIENT CENTERED 3 CHRONIC PAIN IN THE PREOPERATIVE PATIENT CENTERED 2 Chronic Pain preoperative population. Patient-Centered Care " Chronic Pain (CP) statistics astounding according to The Institute of medicine approximately 100 million adults suffer from chronic pain which is more than heart disease, diabetes, and cancer combined."(IOM Relieving Pain in America 2011, p. 1) In every American hospital, someone is admitted for an elective surgical procedure that has CP as comorbidity. We will examine patient-centered care by defining chronic pain and identifying the shared culture of this patient subpopulation. First we will explore the institutionally imposed stigma of chronic pain that has created barriers to care through a converse relationship between health care provider and CP patient. Next we will describe features of patient center care with evidence-based interventions, that can transform the surgical experience and promote post-operative healing. Defining Chronic Pain. "Chronic pain persists despite the fact that the fact the injury has healed. Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for the prolonged or infinite amount of time. Physical effects include tense muscles, limited mobility, lack of energy, and changes in the appetite. Emotional effects include depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury"(Cleveland Clinic 2013). Chronic pain can develop from multiple common conditions. These can include; instance migraines, diabetes, IBS, fibroids, and endometri... ... middle of paper ... ...tive pain management and Improvement in patients outcomes and satisfaction [Magazine]. Critical Care Nurse, 35(3), 37,35,42. Retrieved from Institute of Medicine Report from the Committee on Advancing Pain Research, Care and Education. (2011). Relieving Pain in America A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education and Research. Retrieved from Monsivais, D. B., & Engerbretson, J. C. (2011). Cultural cues: Review of patient- centered care in patient with nonmalignant chronic pain. [Magazine ]. Rehabilitation Nursing, 36(4), 166-71. Retrieved from Rubenfeld, M. G., & Scheffer, K. B. (2015). Critical thinking tactics for nurses: Achieving the IOM competencies (3rd ed.). [VitalSource Bookshelf Version].

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