Chris Mccandless Hero Analysis

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Likewise, Chris McCandless, from Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild, exhibits all the characteristics of a hero, as described by Ernest Hemingway’s code. First and foremost, McCandless has a profound moral code and a desire for adventure. Even before he decided to venture into the wilderness on his own, Chris was not fond of the way society worked. This is typical of code heroes because they have strong moral codes that make them see the world in a way different from everyone else. A passage from the book reads, “More than most teens, he tended to see things in black and white. He measured himself and those around him by an impossibly rigorous moral code” (Krakauer 122). Chris’ moral code mostly came from reading books from authors such as Jack London, …show more content…

Whereas spoiled rich kids are more sheltered, cowardly, and doubtful of themselves, most examples of code heroes are outgoing, courageous, focused, and confident in their abilities. In Chris’ case, the latter set fits him perfectly. Chris’ parents described him as, “generous and caring to a fault, but he had a darker side as well, characterized by monomania, impatience, and unwavering self-absorption” (Krakauer 120). Though these traits may seem negative, they describe Chris as well as the majority of code heroes. So, Chris is focused on his goal of living on his own in the wild, confident in his survival skills, and remains stoic and brave in the face of disaster, such as when his canoe gets stuck and he is lost with no way of escaping. In sum, Chris McCandless has proved himself to be a code hero because he has a sound moral code, has endured through hardship, and shares most of the qualities found in code …show more content…

Though some, an example being Holden Caulfield, may seem to be code heroes at first, they don’t have the fundamental qualities that distinguish a hero from a spoiled rich kid. In his case, Caulfield does not showcase courage and endurance, but rather cowardice and idleness when he comes across even the slightest of problems. However, others may fit Hemingway’s definition of a code hero so well that Hemingway himself would be impressed. Harry from “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, Tony Stark, and Chris McCandless all retain the characteristics of Hemingway code heroes. These characteristics, as stated in Hemingway’s definition, are honor, courage, and endurance in the face of chaos, stress, and pain. Harry shows these qualities by remaining stoic and calm even when facing death. When Tony Stark is captured and tortured, he shows that he is a man of honor by staying true to himself and his moral code. Moreover, Chris McCandless endured through all of the suffering he was subject to throughout his life and showing tenacity until the very end. All of these men represent what it truly means to be a code

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