Choices Made by John Proctor in The Crucible

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In life everything is about choices whether it is a serious choice such as moving place to place because of your parents career or it being like wanting to eat a muffin or apple for breakfast. In the Crucible written about the Salem 1692 witch trials, John Proctor is one of the main characters in the play. John is 35 years of age and is Married to Elizabeth Proctor. A concept we have to understand is in this era Witch accusations were always coming from different people to random innocent women and men. These accusations are obviously false, but due to what they believed in, and how strong they were in religion, witch trials became of it. All the choices people made during the Salem witch trials, were always looked upon corresponding to John and the choices he made.

In the Crucible, early in the play he had an affair with Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is the main accuser, and also the main character. After this affair she desperatley falls in love with John and this is where her lying, horrendous, vicious, wicked behavior occurs.He had a choice to either have the affair...

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