The China's One-Child Policy

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China is one of the most populated countries in the world, it is home to 1.3 billion people, it is no wonder that china is also one of the most polluted countries as well; China faces problems of starvation and pollution as a result of their large population, these problems are driving the quality of life lower and lower for the Chinese, and have been doing so for centuries. China’s large population along with it’s consequences was the main cause in the implement of the famous One-child policy. Before the population was as large as it is today and long before China introduced the one child policy, Mao Zadong, who was a Chinese ruler, encouraged citizens to have big families, his theory was that with more young people ready to work more progress would be achieved therefore there would be more production and it would benefit the economy, he stated “Even if China’s population multiplies many times, she is fully capable of finding a solution; the solutions is production” (Mcloughlin, pg.310) but things did not go as Zadong predicted, the population did multiple it self but china failed at finding a good solution. In 1955, a couple of years later after Mao Zadong encouraged big families, the government had already realized how big of a problem overpopulation was, so officials launched a birth control campaign promoting for late marriages and birth control, although this was an idea that could make a significant change the problem was that only a very small percent of the population actually had access to birth control. The population continued to grow and the problems as a result of it only became bigger and bigger with time; Starvation was one of the main problems China faced as a result of overpopulation and although the birthrate w...

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... government. I think that if the One-Child policy happened in the United States people would not accept it at all, things would be different than in China mainly because our government is Democratic as oppose to China who has a Communist government. I mainly think that we would not accept such policy and that people would fight back because it would be viewed as something that is violating our rights. The One-Child policy is something that affects China greatly and would do the same to the United States.

Works Cited
Arnold, Carrie. "Profile of a Little Emperor." Scientific American Mind 24: 10-17. Print.
Hvistendahl, M.. "Has China Outgrown The One-Child Policy?." Science 329 (5998): 1458-1461. Print.
Mcloughlin, Caven S.. "The Coming-of-age Of China's Single-child Policy." Psychology in the Schools 43(3): 305-313. Print

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