Effects Of Obesity On Children And Obesity

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Obesity has been an ongoing problem that has been persistent in the last few decades. In fact, child obesity has doubled in age groups 2-19 since 1971 (Centers for Disease Control, 2009). Many researchers have pressed this issue due to the many health risks that can endure if it goes untreated such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension (Woolfolk & Perry, 2015). However, this is not the only factor to be concerned about; apparently, the genes of a family and their history of being overweight can be in relations to a child being obese. So physicians encourage parents to regulate their child 's food consumption and the right amount of nutrients. Due to the fact that, scientists discovered that there is a correlation between a child’s relationships, his or her academics, and their emotional development. Therefore, proactively balancing a child’s activity level and their calorie intake can create a major impression on the child.

The Intakes and the Outcomes:
Nature and the Nurturing of Children and Obesity
Children must intake a definite quantity of nutrients and calories to satisfy their needs to develop a strong mind and physique. To balance a child’s diet is a task that is essential and must be taken seriously, for it defines how a child matures. If a child’s diet is not maintained there is the possibility of many health risks. One major health risk that many children in America face is obesity. With the fast pace America lifestyle, the obesity among all age groups, 2 to 19, has doubled since 1971 (Centers for Disease Control, 2009). Furthermore, many researchers have discovered that not only does a child’s nourishment contribute to obesity, but a child’s heredity is a key fac...

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... and often they are teased and/or rejected by their peers (Friedlander, Karkin, Rose, Palermo, & Redline, 2003; Mustillo et al., 2003). Although many of these apprehensions of obesity occurs seems overwhelming, there are a variety of resources to resolve this situation.
At hand, obesity is not only about the nurturing of a child, but the genes of that given child and his or her family history with such health risks can be a variable to the equation. The most vital influence is the lifestyle the child pursues. Being health conscious with calorie intake and to correlate that with the activity level, that is individualistic, will provide the child the ability to pursue a healthier weight. In all, to encourage the health of the child will increase the child’s probabilities of having a more prosperous life in features like cognitive, social, and emotional development.

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