Child Molestation

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Seven year-old Katherine Smith is frolicking in her yard on a bright incandescent day when forty-three year old James Wells, a family friend, arrives at her home. Being used to him as an uncle figure she envelops him in a warm welcoming hug. Meanwhile Katherine’s parents are indoors preparing supper and have not realized James has come over. When supper is ready Katherine’s parents call her to come in for supper; however, when she does not come running in, they step out to look for her. As they walk around the house they meet their friend James and a despondent Katherine who looks frightened. Katherine’s parents invite James to stay and have supper with them and are oblivious to what James, a trusted man and friend, has done to their little girl. As the week continues, Katherine’s parents notice she is not their same ecstatic and zestful little girl; when Katherine’s parents ask her what is wrong, she finally voices the truth and reveals the horrendous act that James has committed against her and also has threatened her if she tells. Katherine’s parents immediately take her to the family doctor and their suspicions are confirmed; James, their trusted friend, has molested their seven year old little girl. However, amongst their animosity toward their friend, Katherine’s parents contact a lawyer and James is arrested three days later. In court James is convicted and sentenced to only two years in jail; nine months, later James is out of jail for good behavior and is allowed to be in public and interact with other children. Child molesters are divided into two groups: situational or preferential offenders; child molesters have many tricks to trap children in their clutches, but there are also many useful precautionary methods to prot... ... middle of paper ... ... preferential offenders; child molesters have many tricks to trap children in their clutches, but there are also a variety of countless precautionary methods to protect children that are very helpful. Works Cited Davis, LauraMcshane, Marilyn D. “Controlling Computer Access To Pornography: Special Conditions For Sex Offenders.” Federal Probation 59.2 (1995): 43. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. Ebony. Aug2002, Vol. 57 Issue 10, p116. 3p. 3 Color Photographs. ELDERS, M. JOYCELYN. “How To Keep Your Child Safe From Sexual Abuse.” Heart & Soul 30 (1998): 62. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. Jenish, D.DeMont, J. “Every Parent’s Nightmare. (Cover Story).” Maclean’s 105.25 (1992): 24. Middle Search Plus. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. Sandell, Laurie. “Web Watchdog Parry Aftab’s Battle Against Online Crime.” Biography 5.5 (2001): 92. Middle Search Plus.web.27. Feb.2014.

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