Advantages Of Single Parents

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For many years, single parents who have being raising their sons alone have been looked at different angles when it comes to the building the child’s environment and providing their needs. Being raised by a single parent, it looks impossible to many people yet over the last 30 years it has become more common and ubiquitous to the modern world that we are living in today. In today’s world, many children raised by a single parent have become highly motivated and emotionally balanced to obtain what they want in future just as does raised with both parents (father and mother). Moreover, they have become very lucrative even if they had being raised by a single or two parent to show them the right way that life entrusted upon all of them. The differences lies on the child raised by a single parent and children raise by both father and mother. How many parents does a child need to become successful? What role do his father and mother play in his life? Who will the son or child look up to as a role model? Who will be in charge of the child’s everyday needs? With so much to guess around the child, this topic has become more absorbing for arguments to why single parents can be just as two parents raising a child. What we need to understand This maybe or could be true but not in all circumstances, depending on the families vibe and atmosphere in which the child grows in. Sometimes it might not be favorable nor profitable at all for a child to grow up in a two parent family environment who only did nothing but argue and put each other down. Spontaneously, a child who grows up watch and recognize this from a younger age until he or she is ready and prepared to be on his own would only follow the steps of what they have seen from the beginning of his childhood. For

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