Child Abuse in the United States

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Child Abuse is an extremely significant conflict around the world; it is the physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child. There are 4 main types of victimization against children. Those containing physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. Physical abuse is when a parent or guardian wounds their child in the form of injuring them or in any other manner causing them agony. Emotional abuse also recognized as mental abuse is when they mentally upset a child’s feelings that may generate trauma. Sexual abuse can probably be characterized as someone forcing a child in an act of unwanted sexual relationships. Neglect is the form of not providing a child with their basic physical and emotional necessities. Most people are forming organizations to prevent from future child abuse occurring but most people are also not getting involved in such dangerous crimes. Usually more than 90% of abusers tend to be people children know, love, or trust, according to Bright Futures 4 Kids. Child abuse goes way back in history starting from the time when a little 10 year old girl got removed from her parents home in 1874. The case is connected to the founding of the New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which gave rise to the founding of similar societies (National Association of Counsel for Children). Most children under the age of 3 tended to have a higher rate of victimization and girls had a higher risk than boys. Sexual abuse was frequently associated with family problems such as parental alcholism, parental rejection, and parental marital conflict (Bright Futures 4 Kids). Throughtout history, child abuse seems to be less crucial and likely than it was before because back then there was a lower rate of child care. Man... ... middle of paper ... ...use victims tend to be under the age of 8 in today's era. The possibility of a girl being at risk of sexually abusement falls in the category of 1 in every 4 girls while a boy tends to be 1 in every 6. Children in real danger are getting lost in the press of inappropriate cases (Grapes). Child abuse has been throughout the United States from the early 1870s up to this day. The question is what can we do as a whole to prevent it from continuing. We have thought of organizations to programs to speaking out of what has developed through time and seen remarkable results. "While some children die of neglect and abuse, most victims survive with psychic scars that stay with them throughout their lives." (Grapes). Ask yourself, are you the one with courage willing to speak up against such a harsh state or will you stand back and not strive for what is the righteous choice.

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