Persuasive Essay On Child Abuse

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There are multiple civic issues throughout the world; however, there’s not an issue bigger than child abuse. To many people, the word “child abuse” refers to a child being harmed by either physically or sexually. Domestic, sexual and malnutrition abuses are some of the cases that’s included in world of child abuse. Many parents are beyond scared when it comes to child abuse. In the past, child abuse cases were treated with little amount of care, but now its treated with the utmost care. Even though there’s so many cases that have been reported, there’s still a large amount of cases that are yet to be reported.

In Lauer’s magazine she states when children get abused at a young age it can affect who they grow up to be. With that being said abuse should be stopped before it can escalate. The impact itself can be very horrendous because children could have physical and mental disorders. A child could have a normal life if an abuser was stopped right at its tracks before it could progress into something more severe.

Children in abusive homes often have trouble developing relationships among their peers, because of the fact that their self-esteem gets knocked down constantly. Children will start to reject authority figures, drop out or even become bullies. …show more content…

Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder where one fears of gaining weight and views weight loss as being happy with themselves. When a child has anorexia nervosa they tend to diet even when they are not overweight. A child does this because they feel uncomfortable with their bodies and are unsatisfied with themselves. While Bulimia Nervosa is where you binge on food and decide that purging is the better option than to gain any weight. Children tend to do this because of their abuser, either put them down physically and verbally. Making them feel like there bodies aren 't pretty

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