Comparing The Chernobyl And Fukushima Nuclear Disasters And Similarities

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Chernobyl & Fukushima Nuclear Disasters The Chernobyl & Fukushima nuclear disasters are similar in many ways, but yet so very different. Lets explore these two disasters, the events that took place, the amounts of radiation released, the effects on the people and the land, and how each disaster was handled then and still being handled now. Let’s first look at the similarities; both Chernobyl and Fukushima are the only two nuclear power disasters that are ranked as level seven events. The International Atomic Energy Agency has a scale for nuclear accidents and a level seven event is the direst rating. In both of these accidents the governments of each country underestimated the problem and in some cases are still underestimating the effects …show more content…

Studies are still being done at both sites and radioactive material is still being monitored. Now let’s look at the history, facts, and differences of both the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters. Starting with the Chernobyl disaster, on April 26, 1986 a nuclear power plant in the Ukraine caused a major catastrophe for the nearby people. As plant workers were testing the reactor units, unit four was destroyed therefore releasing a number of unsafe radioactive material into the environment. People of the immediate radius were not the only people affected by this reactor unit explosion. As radioactive material was released into the air, the wind spread these materials all throughout parts of the Ukraine. Plant workers, emergency response teams and residents of the nearby areas were all at risk. Large amounts of …show more content…

Government resources have a lot to do with the clean up process of any nuclear disaster. The Soviet Union was in financial trouble during the Chernobyl disaster so vast amounts of contaminated land were left abandoned and the land is still that way today. At the time of the Fukushima disaster, Japan had the resources to clean up the contaminated land and to keep those evacuated housed in other places while the cleaning process is done. Although nuclear power is inexpensive, provides around the clock “base-load” power, and a low-carbon source of energy there is always going to be the threat of another nuclear disaster with radiation

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