Characters in The Crucible

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John and Elizabeth Proctor lived in Salem, in a house that was isolated from the village. They had 2 children, 2 sons. Elizabeth was rather cold and austere, and John was a lively, cheerful man. The family used to have a servant, Abigail Williams.

Before the story starts, John and Abigail were lovers. But one day, Elizabeth had discovered what was going on and she had dismissed Abigail. However, Abigail was madly in love with John, and she decided to take revenge.

So she invited other girls from the village to come and join her in the woods and to dance around a pot boiling on a fire. The idea was to cast a spell on Elizabeth. Abigail was dancing naked, when her uncle, Reverend Parris surprised her.

Two girls who had danced fainted and couldn't wake up, so what?

In the village, people started talking about the devil. Maybe the girls were "bewitched"?

To make it clear, Reverend Parris decided to call upon an expert in witchcraft, Reverend Hale.

In a panic, Abigail tried to wake up one of the girls, and the child opened her eyes. Then Abigail threatened the other girls: we danced, that's all….. Abigail managed to scare and terrify them all.

When Reverend Hale arrived, John Proctor went to the centre of the village because the villagers wanted his opinion, as John was known as a good, kind , fair and honest man, with a sound common sense. Nobody knew that he had had an adulterous relationship with Abigail.

Reverend Hale started his investigation. Then Reverend Parris told him that Abigail and other girls had danced in the woods, and finally one girl cracked: she accused Abigail of starting all this.

Abigail, to find a way out, accused a black servant, Tituba.

Reverend Hale went to Tituba and asked her if she was in touch with the Devil. To make his point, he made a deal with her: if you confess, we help you and forgive you. If you don't, you are sentenced.

Tituba was quick to understand where her interest was, so she confessed.

Immediately, the attitude of the Reverend and the population changed: Tituba was no longer a monster, in touch with the devil, she was a victim who needed help and protection.

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