Characterization in The Gladiator

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The Gladiator is a tragedy, drama, action, adventure, and love story. It develops on many themes including; vengeance, honor, loyalty, deceit, power, and perseverance. The film maker’s main thematic purpose however is a constant throughout the entire movie holding the plot line together to revolve around this one objective. The author uses various techniques of characterization such as; indirect character development, caricatures to advance the progression of dynamic characters, and including tragic occurrences that immediately alter the character’s state of mind to develop on the main thematic purpose of the necessity of achieving one’s goal at all costs.

The opening scene of a movie is always important in that it establishes the main character and setting. Ridley Scott uses much imagery and symbolism in his opening sequence to manipulate the viewer’s emotions. The film opens with a scene of the main character and protagonist, Maximus, running his hand along the tops of a corn field in a peaceful setting of which we assume is his home. The audience’s perception of this man is instantly the stereo typical family man, one who is kind, caring, and gentle. Almost immediately the scene moves to a battlefield where Maximus is seen as an eminent leader and a dignified general. The scene is dark, overcast, and snowy, and Maximus the family man is instantly transformed into a rugged, tough warrior. The director symbolizes these two personas of Maximus by showing the rows of wheat at his home where he is a serene family man and rows of tents at the battle ground where he is a powerful soldier. It is obvious in the introduction of Maximus’ character that his main objective or goal is to return home to his family. Scott’s use ...

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...the crowd and through his actions overthrew a powerful ambitious dictator and provided a “democracy” for Rome. The audience may be confused as to what Maximus’ goal is, vengeance or returning to his family, but maximus’ main goal is to return to his family having avenged their honor and so he achieves both.

The Gladiator includes many themes such as revenge, power, duty, and honor but the main theme entailed all those parts in the struggle to gain the main objective. The director takes liberties in characterization by utilizing indirect characterization through imagery, symbolism, and actions, including caricatures to influence the perception of the other characters, and the occurrence of a crucial tragic event that greatly changed the main character to achieve the main thematic purpose of the necessity of self sacrifice to achieve one’s main goal at all costs.

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