Critical Theories In Social Work

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Social work practice relies on many tools such as knowledge and frameworks which help guide and develop key social work skills. Theories are a major source of knowledge and frameworks, there are many theories with and used in social work practice with varying strengths and weaknesses. Due to the amount of theories at the use of social workers many do compliment as well as conflict with each other, requiring social workers to have a vast and complex understanding of them to navigate together. Ecosystems and critical theories are umbrella terms for theories and frameworks, meaning they have many application variations of themselves. Ecosystems and critical theories are complex theories and need social workers to do much theoretical work with …show more content…

The most used model is a 3 tiered one, with ‘micro’ beginning with direct interactions with relationships and environments, followed by ‘messo’ with the semi-regular interactions of less frequented environments and relationships and lastly with the ‘’macro’ where indirect interactions with relationships and environments happens. Different variations of ecosystems focus on different tiered systems relationships, environments and the number of tiers. Ecosystems focus on contexts and the complexity of relationships and environments, what is maintaining them and their effect on the behaviours and development of the person. Ecosystems works by changing a layer to change all the layers relationships and interaction dynamics as a system can have a good relationships and environments across the tiers with the right influences and changes (Compton & Galaway, 1999). Critical theories within Allen (2009) are concepts which work to discover, question and change cultural and structural norms and barriers which create oppression and exploitation, with the focus mainly on power creation, disruption and removal. Critical practice works to help a person understand society’s impact on them and their context within society, whether it is present or historical. Critical theories …show more content…

Ecosystems and critical theories share the ideals of a person and the society impacting each other as a dynamic. They also share ideas of change being beneficial for people who require social work intervention and contexts being powerful. Ecosystems and critical can both reduce accountability as a negative behaviour may place expectations on a family instead of on an individual within ecosystems or with critical the behaviour may be blamed only on society as a scapegoat. Ecosystems and critical theories now begin to conflict and differentiate with each other. As critical looks at changing structures and perceptions while ecosystems focus on relationships. Ecosystems don’t look for cause or blame unlike critical which can and does. Ecosystems have little internal conflict while critical does, as it tries to balance social justice and social liberty; as someone’s social justice may impact on someone else’s social liberty and vice versa. Ecosystems can be mechanical and rigid while critical is flexible and fluid. Ecosystems works with the idea that everyone influences everyone equally and the power is evenly distributed unlike critical where power is unevenly distributed making others more influential and imposing on others. Ecosystems and critical theories can complement each

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